Thursday, July 25, 2024


We have been here before. 

Many times.

We were here in 1776, 1787 and 1860. 

In 1929, 1941 and 1968.

In January 2021.

And we are here again.

Here is not a place . . . 

Or a space . . . 

Or even a time.

It is a choice.

In the final analysis, the choice is always clear. 

But not at the time. 

So the actual choice . . . 

At the time of choosing . . .

Is . . .


Impossible for some.

Painful for many.

So painful that it can be . . . 


Even after it is made.

Because acceptance would be the death of something unwilling to die.

Maybe . . .


Or ignorance.

Maybe something smaller.

But less abstract

Like a block.

Or a team.

Or larger.

But also less abstract.

Like a friendship.

Or a family.

Or a marriage.

The President has made his choice.

It surprised us.

It should not have. 

He has always been a man . . .

Of choices.

Big ones. 

Some sought.

Many not.

None . . .


All . . .

Clouded in uncertainty . . .

At . . .

The time of choosing.

And now . . .

We too must choose.

Seamus Heaney tells us:

"Human beings suffer . . .

They torture one another,

No poem or play or song can fully right a wrong inflicted and endured.

History says, don't hope

On this side of the grave.

But then, once in a lifetime, the longed-for tidal wave of justice can rise up,

And hope and history can rhyme.

So hope for a great sea-change on the far side of revenge.

Believe that further shore is reachable from here".

And . . .



There will be no do-overs.

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