405,000 - 416,000 -- Number of U.S. servicemen killed in World War II's war against fascism.
1945 -- Year President Truman declared "Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. American will never forget their sacrifice."
360,000 -- Approximate number of Union soldiers killed in the Civil War's war against slavery.
258,000 -- Approximate numbers of Confederate soldiers killed in Civil War.
75-80 -- Percent of Confederate soldiers who did not own slaves and were therefore fighting solely for the interests of others who did.
1865 -- Year former slaves organized earliest Memorial Day in Charleston, South Carolina.
1866 -- Year Waterloo, New York closed its businesses so residents could decorate the graves of fallen soldiers.
1868 -- Year the Grand Army of the Republic's Commander-in-Chief, Major General John Logan, issued his General Order No. 11 establishing "Memorial Day" as a Decoration Day to honor those soldiers who died in the Civil War.
58, 220 -- Number of U.S. servicemen killed in Vietnam War.
1971 -- Year Memorial Day was declared a federal holiday.
53, 402 -- Number of U.S. servicemen killed in World War I.
36,000 -- Approximate number of U.S. servicemen killed in Korean War.
2,448 -- Number of U.S. service members (including CIA personnel) killed in military operations in Afghanistan through August 2021.
147 -- Number of U.S. service members killed in first Gulf War.
154 -- Number of U.S. service members killed in second Gulf War.
2 -- Number of Americans with any possible chance of being elected president in 2024.
1 -- Number of crypto-fascists with any possible chance of being elected president in 2024.
1-- Number of crypto-fascists now running for president who have been indicted in four jurisdictions on ninety-one criminal counts.
3 -- Number of those criminal trials against any crypto-fascists now running for president that will not go to trial before election day.
3 -- Number of institutions that have delayed the criminal trials against any crypto-fascists now running for president
1- Number of former Presidents and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
2- Number of former Vice-Presidents and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
5- Number of former cabinet officials and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
22- Number of former executive branch officials and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
6- Number of current U.S. Senators and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
7- Number of former U.S. Senators and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
6 -- Number of current members of the U.S House of Representatives and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
19- Number of former members of the U.S. House of Representatives and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
3 -- Number of current Governors and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
14 -- Number of former Governors and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
4 -- Number of other current statewide officials and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
6 -- Number of other former statewide officials and members of the Republican Party refusing to endorse a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
3 -- Number of people who won't be president but are running anyway and may help a crypto-fascist become president.
1 -- Number of Kennedys doing this who should know better.
1 -- Number of countries that illegally invaded Ukraine, do not have free and fair elections or any other institutions to hold its leaders accountable, are run by a former member of the Soviet KGB, committed war crimes as part of that illegal invasion, eliminated any dissent against its illegal invasion and has killed a prominent opponent of its war.
1-- Number of countries that illegally invaded Ukraine, do not have free and fair elections or any other institutions that may hold leaders accountable, are run by a former member of the Soviet KGB, committed war crimes as part of that illegal invasion, eliminated any dissent against its illegal invasion, killed a prominent opponent of its war and supports a crypto-fascist for president of the United States.
1 -- Number of major American political parties formally endorsing a crypto-fascist for president in 2024.
1 -- Number of major American political parties that appear to have forgotten the meaning of Memorial Day.
41.3 -- Percent of American voters who say they favor electing an apparent crypto-fascist as president in 2024.
41.3 -- Percent of American voters who appear to have forgotten the meaning of Memorial Day.